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Funghi Mara - since 1974 - cultivating mushrooms at home and in the garden
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Supersacco Fungo Pleurotus Supersacco Fungo Prataiolo

Do it yourself mushrooms at home and in the garden

Sowing and Collecting Kit
the real "natural and nutritious"
you do it with your hands
Mycelium Nails
forest mushrooms
on your trunks or trees
it's easy
and natural
Nail of Mycelium
Plant the nail
Place away from wind and sun
Nail of Mycelium
Plant the nail
Place away from wind and sun
The Flavors of Funghi Mara
The most appreciated mushroom for its taste and culinary versatility. Naturally cultivated, it is harvested at optimum ripeness and cooked in the day so that it does not lose its freshness and fragrance.
The Funghi Mara Farm was founded in 1974 and is the first in the world at the service of all those who see in mushroom cultivation something more than just a hobby, but a real passion for what can be called a gardening a bit special.
Funghi Mara - Home Page
Funghi Mara recommends
Super Ready-Mushroom Oyster mushroom

Super Ready-Mushroom Oyster mushroom

In just, 30 days you will have fresh, sweet- smelling and natural Mushrooms. They are very easy to grown: make some cuts 2/3 cm long in the plastic around this block of substrate and keep damp by wetting it often and mushrooms will soon begin to sprout out of the cuts in the bag. Cut the plastic if ...

Recipe of the day


Clean the mushrooms and chop them. Let green onion fry lightly with some butter. Add minced mushrooms, parsley and rosemary, a pinch of salt and pepper, and stir. Sprinkle with some wine and let it boil off over high heat. Then pour this mixture of ingredients in a bowl. Add one egg and bread crumbs, mix all ingredients together and stir. Clean the sea bream: take away the central fishbone keeping the head and tail intact. Then stuff the fish with the previously prepared mixture; finally, ...


Funghi Mara

Mushrooms Mara Farm Business is, since 1974, a firm whose quality arises from a true passion for the cultivation of mushrooms. All over the world, it is the first firm at the service of all those who see mushroom cultivation as a sort of atypical gardening. Our products have improved thanks to an ongoing scientific research and testing activity in the field of amateur mushroom cultivation, which has been going on for about 40 years now. These activities have been made possible thanks to the ...

A.A. Funghi Mara

Funghi Mara - with passion since 1974 Our Family

The Funghi Mara Farm was founded in 1974 and is the first in the world at the service of all those who see in mushroom cultivation something more than just a hobby, but a real passion for what can be called a gardening a bit special.

Our farm

44 years of scientific research and experimentation and production activities in the field of amateur mushroom cultivation, research and activities supported by the consultancy and collaboration of internationally renowned technicians and scientists, have allowed the continuous improvement of our products.

All the production phases are carried out in our laboratories and our fungi using only natural processes.

Our mushrooms

We decided to realize simply to be able to offer to all the amateur fungicolors a reference point, meeting point and three-way information between us and you, you and us and the others with us and you.

On this site we will try to give space firstly to science, then to advice, explanations, results articles and to your photos, recipes and everything that will be useful to those who want to grow "Mushrooms in the house and in the garden".

Società Agricola Funghi Mara | | Tel 0039 051 892049 - 0039 051 872350 | FAX 0039 051 893768 | VAT number: 04045081207

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