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Growing poplar mushrooms with Spawn Plugs - Funghi Mara
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Growing poplar mushrooms with Spawn Plugs

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    Growing poplar mushrooms with Spawn Plugs

  • Produced mushroom: Poplar mushroom, Two toned pholiota
  • Temperature of cultivation: 10-25 °C
  • Alreadyincubated: No
  • Dimension: 20 chiodi
  • Difficulty: * * * * *


Spawn plugs are wooden pegs containing a cultivation of mushroom spawn. To grow the mushrooms, freshly cut logs of healthy poplar wood, willow or other deciduous trees are used. The growing technique is very simple, all you need to do is drill holes in each log and insert the spawn plugs using a hammer. The log should then be left to incubate in a plastic bag at a temperature of 20-25 °C for three months. After that the logs should be sunk into the earth for up to 2/3 of their length, protected from direct sunlight and wind in the garden, where they will produce several crops of mushrooms both in spring and in autumn for 3-4 years. They may also be placed in a corner of the house or cellar at a temperature of between 10 and 25 °C, buried in soil for 2/3 of their length inside a container. It is important that the log and/or earth is kept damp. This bag contains a packet of 20 spawn plugs.