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Frequently Asked Questions

Aquí hay una lista de preguntas sobre el cultivo de hongos que nos hacen con más frecuencia: seguramente encontrará la respuesta a sus dudas.

Búsqueda entre F.A.Q.

How many mushrooms can they produce?

The quantity of mushrooms that they can produce corresponds to more than 20% of the weight of the green wood ( i.e. 1/2 during the first year, 1/3 during the second year and 1/6 during the third year).

Setas interesadas: Seta de Chopo, Orellana en forma de embudo, Girbola de pollancre, Orellana, Pleuroto ostreado,,

Is it possible to seed mushrooms on straw, and, if so, what types of mushrooms?

You may cultivate oyster mushroom, shaggy cup, poplar mushroom, stropharia, king mushroom, golden mushroom and love mushroom.

Setas interesadas: Seta japonesa, Seta de Chopo, Orellana en forma de embudo, Girbola de pollancre, Orellana, Pleuroto ostreado,,

How many spawn boxes do I have to use for a proper inoculation of the straw?

A bottle of spawn by Funghi Mara supplies seeds to inoculate up to 70/80 kg. wet straw.

Setas interesadas: Seta japonesa, Seta de Chopo, Orellana en forma de embudo, Girbola de pollancre, Orellana, Pleuroto ostreado,,

What do I need to cultivate champignons?

In order to produce champignons, you need to use horse manure.

Setas interesadas: champiñon, Champigñon Portobello

At this purpose, may I use beef manure?

No, a proper result can only be obtained using horse manure and following the instructions on the boxes of Funghi Mara's products.

Setas interesadas: champiñon, Champigñon Portobello

Azienda Agricola Funghi Mara | | Tel 051 892049 - 051 872350 | FAX 051 893768 | P.IVA 00032141202

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