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2 kilos field or oyster mushrooms
2 onions
2 laurel leaves
olive oil
1 lemon
1/2 glass white wine
some ripen tomatoes
some cloves of garlic
1 bunch parsley
salt, pepper


Field mushrooms: choose some solid and well-closed mushrooms. Clean and soak them in cold water with some lemon juice.

Oyster mushrooms: wash them under running water and cut them into thin slices.

Put some oil and the cloves of garlic in a big pot, then let them cook over high flame. Add mushrooms and let them brown to avoid them drying up too much.
After 5 minutes, add chopped onion, laurel and sage. When mushrooms are dry enough, add some minced tomatoes, parsley and wine. Take garlic out of the pot. Adjust with salt and pepper, let mushrooms cook for a further 3-4 minutes, take them away from the flame and place them in pots.
Cover with a drop of olive oil, close pots ermetically and let them sterilize for about 20 minutes. Preserve them in a fresh place. Before tasting, they shall be warmed up in a pot.
Serve with stews and chicken chasseur.

Azienda Agricola Funghi Mara | info@funghimara.it | Tel 051 892049 - 051 872350 | FAX 051 893768 | P.IVA 00032141202

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