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Questions fréquemment posées

Ici une liste de questions fréquemment posées: vous trouverez sûrement une reponse à vos doutes.

Cherchez parmi les questions fréquemment posées.

May I open the spawn box just to have a look inside and then close it again?

No, you may not. Opening the box without a reason causes damages to the mycelium and may compromise the inoculation process.

Is hygiene important?

Yes, it is. Tools and hands always have to be properly neat.

Comparing cultivated to wild mushrooms, do they differ in taste?

No, they don't. They actually taste the same.

Is that true that mushrooms are hard to digest?

Yes, they are, but only for those who have serious health issues. Otherwise, they are absolutely harmless and NOT hard to digest.

Has the product to be watered often?

The product that will give life to mushrooms always has to be kept wet. For this reason, if it is located in a wet room, it just needs to be watered once every two days, otherwise if the room isn't moisturized enough, it must be watered even twice a day.

Azienda Agricola Funghi Mara | info@funghimara.it | Tel 0039 051 892049 - 0039 051 872350 | FAX 0039 051 893768 | P.IVA 00032141202

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